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PHBB traveled to India as our fourth international project where we formed partnerships and educated youth about sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition and developed ideas on preventing violence against women.


Sanitation, nutrition, hygiene, oral hygiene, first aid, preventing violence against women

PHBB's fourth international team traveled for the first time in July 2016 to Lucknow, India. The trip served as a way to form partnerships with contacts in India. While there, the team provided health education in local schools via the Sesame Street campaign. They conducted 30-minute interactive lessons related to sanitation and hygiene in 17 different schools.


In 2018, a team traveled to Varanasi, India and developed a partnership with Southpoint School and Men's Action to Stop Violence Against Women (MASVAW). The team also visited Banaras Hindu University (BHU) Malaviya for Peace Research as well as the BHU Institute of Medical Sciences.  The first trip included a needs assessment, which was conducted through our handwashing and oral hygiene workshop for children at the South Point School. We also interviewed 26 participants at the school and in the community in order to assess the health disparities that were present. Community members were asked about medical and mental health issues, and access to health facilities. With the interviews and our needs assessment, it was concluded that the second intervention should focus on diet and nutrition among younger children. During our 2018 trip, we also had the opportunity to develop a partnership with Men’s Action for Stopping Violence Against Women (MASVAW), where we discussed how community members were developing ideas that could help prevent violence against women.  


In January 2020, trip to India, workshops and materials on nutrition and first aid were developed for both students and their parents discussing information gathered from previous needs assessments. The group is currently raising funds for APPEAR, a program that assists students in India in getting access to academic resources especially during the pandemic.


Photos From India

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Copy of Sierra Leone card
Peru card

Calaba Town, Sierra Leone

Our second international project in Sierra Leone traveled for the first time in June 2014. The team traveled with Maryland Sustainability Engineering (MDSE) to collaborate on a water sanitation project at Abigail D. Butscher Primary School in Calaba Town, Sierra Leone. PHBB members led educational workshops on water sanitation, hygienic practices such as hand-washing and tooth-brushing, and Oral Rehydration Therapy.

Compone, Peru

The first PHBB international trip began as a collaboration between a few public health students and the UMD chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) on a project centered around the installation of a water chlorination system. Public Health members went around and did qualitative interviews about health challenges, needs in the community, and water.

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